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New Documents Uploaded


We have uploaded a couple of new documents to our resources section.

Transcript - Criminal Session Dec 18 (CrimSes_18): Transcript of a session in which Scott's attempt to relieve his lawyers is being discussed. This transcript also gives some insight in what happened during the hearings that were going on throughout 2018.

Recantation Vanessa S. (VanS_94): Vanessa S. already had accused Scott of a crime in an earlier case before. This is her recantation of that accusation in which she details that her initial statement was partially drafted by the police.

Letter Unti 2014 - Surveillance Tapes (UNT_14): Letter to Scott by his attorney, Mr. Unti. Attached to the letter are some court transcripts in which surveillance tapes are being discussed. These tapes show the faces of people using an ATM machine during the time frame in which the victim's credit card was used. The tapes neither showed Vanessa nor Scott using the credit card (contrary to Vanessa's statement). We also get a glimpse in how evidence was mishandled by the police (the ATM tapes got lost in police custody).


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